3058 Great North Road New Lynn Auckland, New Zealand

+64 9 826 2333

Parking availability last updated at 9 Sep 2024, 03:12


LynnMall has over 1,350 carparks available for you to choose from, which includes undercover parking, parents’ with prams parking as well as accessible parking. All customer carparking is FREE at LynnMall, limited to four hours.

Find accessibility parking in the following locations:

Our accessible parks are located by all of our main entrances to the centre, including;

  • Under Reading Cinemas
  • P1,
  • P2 upper and lower
  • P3

Our car parks are monitored by our friends at Parking Enforcement Services (PES) to make sure parks are being used by our customers. If you need extra time to enjoy LynnMall just give us a call on +64 9 826 2333, or pop past our customer service desk and let our friendly team know, and they’ll make sure to take down your number plate so you don’t get a parking ticket!
*Parking terms of use apply, see signage.

What do I do if I have received a parking ticket?
Eek! While it’s never the intention of PES to ticket you while you’re spending time at LynnMall, if you haven’t informed us you’ll be parking longer than the car park allows, you might get a ticket. Please refer to the details on the back of your parking ticket to see how to pay or appeal your ticket. You can also click here to visit PES’s website and our parking terms and conditions.

By car

Whether you are travelling from north, south, east or west LynnMall is easy to get to from any direction, so driving to us is a great option.

Our car parks are monitored by our friends at Parking Enforcement Services (PES) to make sure parks are being used by our customers. If you need extra time to enjoy LynnMall just give us a call on +64 9 826 2333, or pop past our customer service desk and let our friendly team know, and they’ll make sure to take down your number plate so you don’t get a parking ticket!
*Parking terms of use apply, see signage.

What do I do if I have received a parking ticket?
Eek! While it’s never the intention of PES to ticket you while you’re spending time at LynnMall, if you haven’t informed us you’ll be parking longer than the car park allows, you might get a ticket. Please refer to the details on the back of your parking ticket to see how to pay or appeal your ticket. You can also click here to visit PES’s website and our parking terms and conditions.

Accessible parking
Our accessible parks are located by all of our main entrances to the centre, including;

  • Under Reading Cinemas
  • P1,
  • P2 upper and lower
  • P3


By bus

The New Lynn bus terminal is in close proximity to the western end of LynnMall. Buses arrive and depart from here to all parts of Auckland throughout the day and into the evening. Bus times can be found at www.at.govt.nz.

By train

The Western Line train stops at LynnMall 46 times a day during the week and 29 times on Saturdays. This gives you ample opportunity to try a different mode of transport, offering you a speedy trip from home/work to LynnMall. Train schedules can be found at www.at.govt.nz.


LynnMall has a taxi stand outside the centre on Memorial Drive. If you need to order a taxi, you can pop to our customer service desk and they can order one for you.

Whakapā mai me te urupare

Ngā taipitopito whakapā

LynnMall Contact

+64 9 826 2333

Centre Manager

Rupert Coffey

Short Term Leasing

Monique Thomson

+64 21 246 7984

Marketing Manager

Kim Gillis

Retail Leasing

Marleina Forrest

+64 21 243 6432

Media Queries

Megan Stericker